The National Research Priority Mandatory on Energy Storage
The 2017-2045 National Research Master Plan (RIRN) was prepared to align long-term research needs with the direction of national development related to science and technology. RIRN is important because national development requires sectoral planning to integrate integrated and integrated steps, especially between Ministries / Agencies, to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of its implementation.
In particular, the determination of research focus is carried out through two approaches, namely top-down and boom-up. The top-down process is carried out by setting priorities according to macro needs and challenges faced by the Indonesian nation in the future. On the other hand, the boom-up approach is carried out by looking at the potential strength and existing resources referring to real data up to 2015 as basic data.
The 2017-2019 National Research Priorities, which are a more technical derivative of the 2017-2045 RIRN for the first 5 years. Referring to the data that has been obtained both top-down and boom-up, the justification and targets are classified into 10 research focuses. The research focus referred to includes Food - Agriculture; Energy - New and Renewable Energy; Health - Medicine; Transportation; Information and communication technology; Defense and security; Advanced Materials; Maritime; Disaster; and Social Humanities - Cultural Arts - Education. All of these research focuses are in accordance with the 7 focuses in the 2015-2019 National Research Agenda plus 3 new focuses according to the data obtained.
In order to reach the goal of energy independent by utilizing the local resources, the Minister Research and Technology Indonesia and Head of National Research Innovation Agency, Prof. Dr. Bambang Brodjonegoro has assigned several institutions to conduct program of the National Research Priority Mandatory on Energy Storage. The coordinator of this program is Prof.Dr. Muhammad Nizam, from the UNS, Solo. There are several work break down structures (WBS) under this program, starting from the local resources, active materials, battery, application and charging station, that are lead by UNS, LIPI, BATAN, and BPPT.
One of the WBS, entitled " Development of Mineral Resources Extraction Products for Active Material Lithium Ion Battery and feasibility study " has been coordinated by Prof. Dr. Evvy Kartini, as Principal Investigator. The main task is to integrate the research from mineral extraction based on Nickel to become the precursor and active material NMC. Then to manufacture the batteries based on this nickel products, which is containing high local contents. We expect that this can bridge the gap of the research and industry. The team are coming from various institutions and industry, such as BATAN, ITB, NBRI, LIPI and PT. Infiniti Energi Indonesia. This program is funded by the Indonesia Endowment Fund for Education and supported by the Ministry Research and Technology.