National Battery Research Institute (NBRI) & Indonesian Automotive Institute (IOI) in collaboration with the National Standardization Agency (BSN) are currently focusing on developing ABGCFM (Academics, Business, Government, Community, Federation, Media) pentahelix collaboration to integrate holistically related development programs national industry, especially in optimizing local natural & human resources related to production battery for electric vehicles to support the achievement of industry 4.0. This is based on data from the Center for Mineral, Coal and Geothermal Resources in 2018, which states that the total nickel ore resources owned by Indonesia are around 6.8 billion WMT (wet metric ton). A total of 3.2 billion WMT of which are classified as reserves (reserve). The numbers above represent tremendous potential that can be developed so that Indonesia will be at the forefront of developing the rechargeable battery industry with the power of local resources.

Based on predictions from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, in 2021 several smelters will operate with a nickel ore input capacity of around 71.2 million WMT / year. All of them use saprolite nickel ore as raw material with pyrometallurgical technology, where if there is no change in future technology use and the classification of renewable reserves, Indonesia's saprolite nickel ore reserves will be depleted in the not too distant future. Meanwhile, almost all products produced do not have a correlation with the battery industry because almost all of them are used as raw materials for the stainless steel industry abroad. Today, no single company in Indonesia has produced a product that has a direct correlation with the rechargeable battery industry. (source: Investor.id "Nickel, Battery Industry, and National Energy Sovereignty (Part I)".

Date : 31 August 2020
Written by : NBRI
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