Indonesian Electric Vehicles Projection

Is it possible to implement electric vehicles in Indonesia? Well, for answering this question, PCIM (Pimpinan Cabang Istimewa Muhammadiyah) Germany held a webinar about The Future of Transportation on April 7th 2021. As maintained by Dr. Augie Widyotriatmo (Instrumentation & Control Research Group, Engineering Physics ITB), stated that Autonomous Vehicles (AVs) possibly cover two areas in Indonesia. Firstly is for the Toll Roads that are related to National Development Program. And the next area is for Rail-less Rapid Transit. Just like ART (Autonomous Rail-Rapid Transit), Autonomous Siemens Tram, and Autonomous Shuttle Bus produced by Beidou Apollo. For further, a Rail-less Rapid Transit system would be a core element for the transportation system at the new IKN (Ibu Kota Negara) giant project in the east of Borneo.

On the other hand, we also need a strategy to bring AVs in real dimension. In the opinion of Dr. Nolang Fanani (Hyundai Mobis R&D Europe, Germany) stated that there are three stages to evolve the AVs from the laboratory to the highway. Start from In-lab research & development with KPI tracking, proving ground or controlled environment, and public road. It also will involve external evaluation from NCAP (New Car Assessment Program). Besides, Dr. Anugrah Ilahi (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Austria) believes that Indonesia becomes a great market for AVs. We need to prepare several aspects; infrastructures, safety, laws and regulation, security, and another factor like socialization for public acceptance.

So, how bright is future transportation especially in Indonesia? It is greatly bright. Even Achmad Izzul Waro (Service & Business Development Director of PT Transjakarta) said that they have a mandate to implement the Evs (Electric Vehicles) and AVs as a pilot project. The report of PT Transjakarta predicts that Electric Bus will increase customer satisfaction. Therefore, EVs and AVs will be a part of our future.

Date : 28 April 2021
Written by : NBRI
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