Accelerating Indonesian Electric Vehicle Supply Chain

Electric vehicle (EV) is a complex project but important for e-mobility. Every government has its strategy to adapt to the local environment. In a developed country, they nudge the people to take a part in electric vehicle implementation. Malaysia and Vietnam try to integrate their EVs production with the national development plan. How about Indonesia? We still strive to construct strong collaboration in the EVs ecosystem. Is it possible for Indonesia to build EVs independently? For answering this question, MADE IN ITB conducted the webinar on Sunday (18/04) with the topic “Kendaraan Listrik made in Indonesia, Kita bisa?”. This event brings together every expert from the EVs world in Indonesia.

One of the speakers is I Made Dana Tangkas, an Indonesian expert automotive industry. As claimed by Mr. Made, the supply chain take control of EVs' massification. Fortunately, Indonesia already has a President Decree No. 55/2019 about Battery Electric Vehicles. From this regulation, he believed that Indonesia will fulfill the other aspect to accelerate the supply chain side. It involves policy, regulation, and standard of green transportation. Furthermore, for building the Indonesian automotive industry ecosystem, we have to create a master plan, roadmap & integrated policy. It is related to the flow process from raw material, suppliers/vendors, manufacturing/assembly & engineering, marketing & distributor (from dealer to branch), and customers. Therefore, the Indonesian electric vehicle supply chain will more sustainable.

Date : 28 April 2021
Written by : NBRI
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